Access Points: Re-pair key


You are receiving the error X access point(s) on this network need to be re-paired, Click to re-pair (so we know it's you). within the Datto Networking Portal.


  • Datto Access Points


  • The access point firmware was recently reflashed.
  • The pinhole reset button was pressed.
  • The access point is unable to check-in to Datto.


Figure 1: The re-pair banner

The error banner, alongside the Re-pair now button, displays on all pages in the Datto Networking Portal if Datto detects that an access point requiring re-paring. In any case, click Re-pair to send the access point's key to the cloud, and initiate a re-pair between the cloud and the access point.

Review all firewall requirements for access points in the Datto Networking Firewall Requirements article to identify and resolve any communication issues between the cloud and the access point.

Access Points updated to NG7

These access points should pair without intervention if they start checking in within 24 hours of being added to a network, otherwise they should show a pairing banner in the UI.